Sunday, February 27, 2005

Far Far Away in the South China Sea

its almost time to go.

11 more days to POP (passing out parade). 5 more days to A level results. where will we go from here?

its almost as if life likes playing tricks on us, isnt it? just when you start thinking that life is stable, the inevitable curveball comes and messes things up again. and you wonder why. sometimes you get so so tired, but then everyone does. its just like a route march, with the full pack on your back and your shoulders burning. a burden to be carried, this life of ours.

in the full pack are the items you need for survival in the field. so in a way it is also your blessing, your saviour of sorts. such is the irony of life, that it is both a burden and a gift as well. and we carry it on our backs, just like we carry the weight of the world on our shoulders and the ... weight of our memories.

BMT is almost over. just like that. as usual, time slips past us like the thief in the night, like the cotton seed in the breeze, like the shadows in the night.

as i sat in the fast craft, jetting slowly away from the pier; the artificial beaches rushing past. the waves rolling past. the sun slowly setting over us all, i couldnt help but feel what everyone else in BMT is surely feeling. nobody really talks about it (cos were guys) but there is this sense of loss. that things and life will never be the same again.

and how could it be, that we were once young, brash, foolish boys who came in. and we are still young foolish and brash but it is also tinged by some more compassion, a little more streetsmarts and a touch of sadness...

of times that are once again going to be lost.

one of my best mates in my platoon expressed his sadness at everyone splitting up and going their different ways. to which i told him the inevitable "that's life" and "i may never see you again" scenerios.

and in the end, as i sat in that boat, far far away in the south china sea, with the tv stuttering, the people muttering and others falling fast asleep...

i watched the sun set. and remembered that it also had to rise the next day.


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